2,500 People expected Sept. 26… Will You Join Them for Demo Night?

MTL NewTech
2 min readSep 25, 2018


Cooperathon kicks off on September 26, and what better time for a demo night from MTLNewTech in front of a large a knowledgeable startup crowd!

More than 2,500 people have registered for the Cooperathon kickoff party, doors open at 4PM on Wednesday, and demos begin at 4:30. No less than 12 startups will be on stage sharing their innovations with you on this occasion… once of the biggest days for the innovation economy each year. Plus 2 special guests will make remarks on stage, none other than AI guru Yoshua Bengio and Matthew Luhn of Pixar Studios.

(Both Bengio and Luhn will speak on Sept 26)

For FREE TICKETS go to this link now and be sure you don’t miss out! Participating startups include:

· Choco4Peace

Choco4Peace is a multi-institutional movement that uses cacao as an economic tool to support peace building by generating socioeconomic and environmental impacts in post-conflict regions.

· Sera Santé Communautaire

Sera, pour services accessibles, est une entreprise d’économie du don qui vise à rendre accessibles les soins de santé privés à tous grâce à un modèle basé sur le ‘’donnez au suivant’’.

· QuindiTech

QuindiTech’s QSkin is an AI-driven dermatology app to help people instantly detect and recognize various skin diseases with their smart phones.

· NeuroServo

Le produit NeuroServo est un électroencéphalogramme (EEG) de qualité médicale dissimulé dans une casquette spécialisée à mesurer et analyser l’attention des utilisateurs.

· Gallea

Gallea est une galerie en ligne permettant aux artistes d’ici d’exposer chez des exposants urbains tels que des cafés, des bars ou des restaurants.

· Hop In

Hop In is a social venture ridesharing platform that utilizes a social carpooling experience to ease the stresses of the daily commute.

· Eva Coop

Eva est une application coopérative de covoiturage basée sur la Blockchain.

· UpstartED

UpstartED equips high school students and educators with the skills, resources and dispositions needed to succeed in a tech-infused future.

· HealthBridge

Many Canadians are not receiving health care in their own language. Current translation services are either too expensive or inadequate, impeding the patient-doctor relationship. At HealthBridge we endeavour to find a solution to these language barriers.

· PerfIQt

We simplify finance for you! We spent 2 years building a powerful algorithm that let’s you do in minutes, what takes financial professionals hours!

· Intelligence Industrielle

Intelligence Industrielle vous offre une vision globale des performances de vos machines, pour tirer profit de l’industrie 4.0, en collectant les données de tous vos équipements.

· The Green Shop

The Green Stop is a mobile, solar-powered, waste-free refill station that can be used at the beach to reduce plastic pollution and provide filtered and chilled drinking water to beach goers.

Join us… this is an event not to be missed by anyone in the tech or investment community!



MTL NewTech
MTL NewTech

Written by MTL NewTech

We are an organization of programmers, designers and hustlers working hard to support communities for tech innovations and startups in Montreal and beyond.

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